Throughout Aliza Weintraub’s life, she exemplified the middos of a Bas Yisroel. In her interactions, in her daily activities, and in her art, Aliza exuded a special light and brought out an inner joy. Although her physical life was tragically short, we are committed to ensuring that Aliza’s light and joy continue to shine. By writing a sefer Torah that bears her name, Aliza will be forever a source of Torah inspiration to her community.
Aliza’s Torah will be used at Beis Chabad Passaic-Clifton as a permanent legacy.
To Donate Any Amount Toward Aliza’s Torah:
Thank you to those who have already donated:
Shoshana Abrahams
Leah Abrahamson
Raizel Abrahamson
Sara Abrahamson
Miriam Adler
Rivka Adler
Kayla Applegrad
Ettil Aron
Uriel Arnson
Elie & Sara Arochas & Family
Mimi Aryeh
Ayala Bachrach
Elanah Banzaken
Devorah Barak
Abraham Baruchov
Shira Baum
Hadassah Baum-Spero
Yael Bauman
Shoshana Bechhofer
Joshua Becker
Sheba Beitler
Devora Beletsky
Diana Benmergui
Lane and Renee Benoff
Israel Berg
Aaron Berger
Jeff & Shira Berger
Joshua Berger
Dahlia Berman
Deborah Berman
Javier Bernal
David Bernstein
Devorah Berkes
Shoshana Bodenheim
Gary Bogachkov
Elliotb Braun
Pessy Brecher
Rachel Brevda
Yosef Brisman
Aaron Brody
Fradel Brody
Shmulie Brown
Chanie Bruckstein
Daniel Bruckstein
Bruce Bublick
Aharon Buchler
Dovid T. Buchler
Bobe Chayele
Avraham Cohen
Bruchie Cohen
Esther Cohen
Ronald Coleman
Lisa and Ken Compart
Judee Cooper
Andrew Crane
Sara R Cweiber
Seth Damski
Joseph Dauber
Ayala Deutsch
Shoshana Deutsch
Sara Dicker
Jonathan Donath
Kenneth Dov
Mordechai Dresdner
Chaim Drezdner
Adam Dubin
Chaya E. Eisgrau
Aryeh Eisenman
Heidi Elson
Chaya E. Eisgrau
Esti Elkouby
Jacob Elson
Yonason & Pnina Epstein
Allen Erreich
Hadassah Farhy
Devora Farrell
Deborah Fein
Shaul Feinsod
Sara Feinzeig
Philip Feldman
Sima Leah Fettman
Malka Flamm
Adina Fogel
Miriam Frankel
Rachel Frankel
Dasi Freund
Deena Fried
Ehud Fried
Sara Friedland
Shana Friedman
Hindy Friedman
Chana Esther Freilich
Bas Tziyon Friendler
Leah Fruchter
Talia Ganchrow
Ettie Ganger
Tamara Gavrilova
Glen Gejerman
Rael Gervis
Gizzi Gestetner
Jerry Ghanooni
Eli Ghoori
Chevy Gibber
Yisroel Gildin
Gavriel Giloni
Miriam (Felsenthal) Ginsburg
Rochie Glick
Asher Gluck
Rachel Goder
Jeffrey Gold
Chanie Goldberg
Devora Goldberg
Eli Goldberg
M Goldberg
Moti Goldberg
Sarah Goldburd
Rivky Goldfeder
Shana Goldhar
Matis Goldring
Shulim Goldring
Rivky Goldsmith
Shlomo Goldstein
Dassy Golombeck
David Golzman
Manuel Gomez
Tzvi and Chanie Gonter
Tova Gopin
David Gorelik
Hannah Gorelik
Ludmila Gorkin
Marilyn Gray
Yonatan Gray
Eliyahu Greenfeld
Chaim Grinspan
Avraham Groll
Adina Gross
Duvy and Cheryl Gross
Alexander Groysman
Mitchell & Susan Gurspan
Miriam Hager
Tehila Harris
Lindsay Haug
Zehava Hendeles
Yudi Hercenberg
Ruby & Ariela Herman
Bracha Hershkowitz
Yosef Hershkovitz
Mark & Nili Herskovitz
Judith Herzfeld
Raizy Horowitz
Henna Ioffe
Rachel Leah Ismaili
Dina and Mordechai Jacobs
Elliot and Chaya Jacobs
Bracha Jawary
Linnet Jeremias
Miriam Kamara
Noam Kamara
Aliza Kaplan
Penina Kaplan
Rabbi Steven and Debra Kapnick
Melissa Kapustin
Rachel Kasirer
Abe Katz
Moshe Katz
Yocheved Katz
Nathan Kaufman
Rasha Kaufold
Rivka Kellerman
Eli Klein
Sharon Klein
Shimshon Klein
Tuli Klein
Esthern Kleinman
Shira Klugmann
Tova Koenigsberg
Avital Kohen
Grace Kohl
Shoshana Kontente
Esthern Koplowitz
Chaim Kowalsky
Atara Kramer
Morcehai and Yocheved Krasner
Chaim Krause
Maytal Kuighadoush
Akiva Landsberg
Yosef Landsberg
Ahuva Landy
Shira Landy
Sara Lauer
Hannah Lax
Rachel Lax
Heather Lazarus
Yitta Lazarus
David and Bayla Lebovic
Barry & Meira Lebovits
Shira Lebovits
Ora and Mordechai Tzvi Ledereich
David Lefkowitz
Nissan and Yehudis Leibowitz
Shulamit Leitman
Yehoshua Lench
Rivka Levi
Amitai Levin
Dov Levin
Leon Lichter
Moshe & Shifi Lieberman
Chanie Lindenbaum
Rachel Lipton
David Littauer
Dina Loewy
David and Vivian Luchins
Marc Lustig
Felix Lutsky
Ari Lutz
Kalman Lutzky
Tehila Mandel
Aryeh and Nechama Mann
Chaim Markowitz
Amalie Marx
Elliot Mathias
Brian Mayer
Steven Medetsky
Steve Mellner
Nisanel Merenstein
Eliyahu Metz
David Metzger
Rivkie Metzger
Dovi Meyer
Esther Meyer
Rina Mezei
Robert and Judy Millman
Judah Mischel
Leslie Morrison
Chaya Moskowitz
Mimi Moskowitz
Jeffrey Muehlgay
Yehuda Muehlgay
Yehudis Munk
Nisim Naftali
Tamar Nakdimen
Adina Nathan
Rivka Nechamkin
Dina Nelson
Sheri & Alexander Netelkos
Batsheva Neuberger
William Neuman
Moshe Neurath
Ralph Newhouse
Moshe Niehaus
Chaim Nieman
Alan Novack
Bracha Oratz
Shira Orlian
Eric Palley
Hadasa Perlmuter
Ira J. Perlmuter
Yehoshua and Devorah Pinkus
Jonathan Pittinsky
Joshua and E. Deborah Pollack
Shira Pollack
Orlielle Polter
Chaim Pomerantz
Tzivia Porush
Avromi & Dina Prengler
Sharon Prengler
Michael Pruzansky
Moshe Rabinowitz
Eli Raider
Charles Rand
Menachem Raymon
Zoya Raynes
Howard J. Reece
Daniel and Chani Reiss
Myriam Reiss
Sara Reiss
Nechama Reisman
Douglas Revere
Nechama Rhine
Evan Ringer
Yisrael M. Robstein
Golda Rockove
Mark Rokowsky
Adam Rosenblum
Yossie and Chana Rosenberg
Chaya Rosenblum
Aaron and Alisa Rosenfeld
Esther Rosenfeld
Barbara Rothenberg
Ben Rothke
Mordechai Rozwaski
Joshua Rubin
Eli Rybak
Nachum Rybak
Yaakov and Baila Salgo
Evan Salzhauer
Samuel Sanders
Steve Sandler
Mordechai and Schandie Schiller
Marcel Schloss
Stewart & Cyndi Schoenbrun
Devora Schor
Maier Schreiber
Philip Schreiber
Moshe Schulgasser
Evan Schwadron
Daniel Schwartz
Shira Schwartz
Aryeh Schwebel
Devorah Segal
David and Rhonda Seidman
Naomi Serkez
Lindsay Setton
Adina Shtern
Sarah Shore
Eyal Simchi
Chaya Smith
Yitzchok Dovid and Elisheva Smith
Russi Soffer
Ita Solaimanzadeh
Jay Soled
Chaim Solomon
Herbert Somerstein
Susan Spector
Alexander Spivak
Sarina Spira
Yudi Spira
Shaul Spitz
Mirel Spitzer
Alexander Spivak
Cheryl Stamm
Barry Stein
Rachel Stein
Steven Stein
Hadassah Steinberg
Azriel Steiner
Rachel Steiner
Berel Steinerman
Adina Stone
Susan Stubin
Janine Somerstein
Gavin Stone
Sara Swertloff
Ben Taplin
Yossi Taub
Chuny and Lisa Teitelbaum
Tova Tepfer
Harry L. Title
Abigail Umansky
Joseph and Sora Vann
Shmuel and Esther Vann
Yechiel & Nechama Vann
Zisi Wachsberg
Atara Walkenfeld
Israel Walkenfeld
Talia Wall
Penina Webster
Aryeh and Blimi Wein
Sarah Weinreich
Tzivi Weinstein
Ari and Lisa Weintraub
Gershon and Sara Leah Weintraub
Eli and Limor Weintraub
Eli and Talia Weintraub
Elliot Weintraub
Sima Weintraub
Yossie and Aviva Weintraub
Debra Weintraub
Mark Weissman
Esther Weldler
Joshua & Michele Wellikoff
Esther Werblowsky
Daniel Werzberger
Rachel White
Judah Winer
Yaakov Winograd
Yosef Wolf
Cynthia Wroclawski
Chaya Younger
Menachem Yunes
Steven Yurowitz
Bernice Zachariash
Meira Zachariash
Nechama Zakem
Chedva Zaks
Malka Zaks
Ester Zargari
Michele Zaveloff
Ezzie and Tamar Ziegler
Naftoli and Freidy Ziet
Atara Zilbert
Aliza Zions
Eliezer Zuckerman
“The Torah’s ways are pleasant ways and all its paths are peace.”