Building a library…just for children

Beis Chabad Passaic-Clifton creates a welcoming atmosphere, fostering an open and personal Jewish experience imbued with the warmth of Chassidus. The new Jewish children’s library will deepen this ability to embrace Judaism in a child-friendly, welcoming, and warm environment. Inspired by Dale Friedman (Of Blessed Memory), a lifelong librarian with a passion for the written word, we are endeavoring to build the first Jewish children’s library in Passaic-Clifton.

Let’s unite to build a place where every child can find inspiration, joy, comfort, adventure, and humor. Let’s build Dale’s Library: The Jewish Children’s Library.

Dedication Opportunities

At Beis Chabad Passaic-Clifton, every donor is a partner. By partnering with us, you will make a direct impact on the Jewish community, ensuring a strong Jewish tomorrow. Honor a loved one in perpetuity with a tribute or memorial. All the dedications will have a place of permanent acknowledgement and tribute at the Jewish Children’s Library.

An elegant tribute wall prominently acknowledging the generous support of all those who donate at least $500 toward the library. The Dedications will be a permanent fixture of beauty and tribute located in the library.